School is fun, but with the fun comes the responsibility of caring for shoes. Right from the start of the school year in June, there a quite a few shoe challenges parents and children face. The most discussed challenge - how to make school shoes last longer. Here are some expert-approved hacks to care for school shoes and have your kid’s school shoes last longer than before.
Make a daily routine
Caring for school shoes need not be a once a week activity. Making a daily routine to take care of the sweat and moisture is one way to keep shoes in good shape. Encourage your child to remove their shoes in a designated space as soon as they get home and air them out. Occasional sprinkles of baking soda can also do wonders to keep away the moisture.
Rainy day hacks
Monsoons aren’t just a difficult time for the kids, but also for mums who try extra hard to keep the shoes dry. A handy trick to deal with wet school shoes in monsoon is to stuff newspapers in them to absorb the moisture. Contrary to what some people may indicate avoid using hairdryers as they may bend the shoes out of shape.
Rotate and repeat
It is always wise to have an extra pair in handy to avoid overuse of shoes. Paragon has a range of kids' school shoes online that you can stack up in case of emergencies. Be it black school shoes or white sports shoes, keeping an extra pair is always a smart idea in the longer run.